
The CLI tool is used to create and manage indexes. This is a multi-platform client, and you can start it by just typing ./pythia in its folder. This will show you a list of commands. You can type ./pythia followed by any of the commands plus -h to get more help about each specific command.

The only (all optional) customizations required by the tool are:

  • the connection string to your DB service. This is found in appsettings.json. You can edit this file, or override it using an environment variable in your host machine.

  • the Pythia components factory provider. The analysis process is based on a number of pluggable components selected by their unique tag ID, and variously configured with their options. All these parameters are found in an external profile ID file (a JSON file). To instantiate these components, Pythia uses a factory, which internally has access to all its dependencies and their tag ID mappings. Thus, when you are going to add your own components, you should also change the factory accordingly, creating a new Pythia factory provider.

Pythia Factory Provider

A Pythia factory provider is a class implementing interface IPythiaFactoryProvider, which gets a profile and a connection string, and returns a Pythia factory with its dependency injection properly configured for the set of components you will need.

To avoid rebuilding the CLI tool whenever you want to use a new provider, the tool instantiates its provider as a plugin. All the providers are stored in the tool’s plugins folder, each under its own subdirectory. Each of these subdirectories is named after the plugin’s DLL file name.

For instance, the plugin(s) library Pythia.Cli.Plugin.X.dll should be placed in a subfolder of this folder named Pythia.Cli.Plugin.X, together with all its required files. Inside this assembly, there will be a single plugin (=provider implementation), tagged (with TagAttribute) as factory-provider.X.

If you don’t specify any options, the tool will just use the default Pythia factory provider, which uses all the stock plugins.

If you want to use a different provider, just build your own library, place its binaries under the proper subfolder in the plugins directory, and add the -t (tag) parameter to the commands requiring it to tell the CLI to use the plugin with that tag.

This allows reusing a unique code base (and thus its already compiled binaries) even when the indexing components are external to the CLI tool. The same instead does not happen for the API, because these are typically built to create a specific Docker image with all its dependencies packed inside. In this case, you just inject the required factory, and build the customized API. This is why the API project is essentially a thin skeleton with very few code; all its relevant components are found in libraries, which get imported into several API customizations.

Add Profiles Command

🎯 Add profile(s) from JSON files to the Pythia database with the specified name.

./pythia add-profiles <INPUT_FILES_MASK> [-d <DB_NAME>] [-i <CSV_IDS>] [-p]
  • INPUT_FILES_MASK: the input file(s) mask for the profile files to be added.
  • -d DB_NAME: the database name (default=pythia).
  • -i CSV_IDS: the optional IDs to assign to the profiles added. If not specified, each profile will get an ID equal to its source file name (without its extension and directory name). You can override this automatic ID assignment by specifying 1 or more IDs to replace the file-name derived IDs, in the same order in which files will be processed (the command will process files in alphabetical order). If you want to apply the default ID, just leave the ID blank, e.g. alpha,,gamma means that the first profile will get ID alpha; the second profile will get the automatic ID from its file name; and the third profile will get ID gamma.
  • -p: preflight run (diagnostic run, do not write to database).

Build SQL Command

🎯 Interactively build SQL code from queries. This command has no arguments, as it starts an interactive text-based session with the user, where each typed query produces the corresponding SQL code.

./pythia build-sql

Bulk Read Command

🎯 Import bulk tables data from the database as exported with the bulk write command.

./pythia bulk-read <INPUT_DIR>


./pythia bulk-read c:/users/dfusi/desktop/dump

Bulk Write Command

🎯 Export bulk tables data from the database, to be later used when restoring it via the API startup services or the bulk read command.

./pythia bulk-write <OUTPUT_DIR> [-d <DB_NAME>]
  • OUTPUT_DIR is the target directory.
  • DB_NAME is the source database name. Default=pythia.


./pythia bulk-write c:/users/dfusi/desktop/dump

💡 This function is used to allow the Pythia API restore a database from a set of PostgreSQL binary files generated via bulk table copy (e.g. COPY table TO STDOUT (FORMAT BINARY);). You must have your dump files (one for each table in the database) in some folder in your host machine; connect this folder to the container API via a volume; and set the corresponding environment variable (DATA_SOURCEDIR) to that volume. If this is true, the API will seed data from the dump files on startup when creating the database. Example:

      - DATA__SOURCEDIR=/opt/dump/
      - /opt/dump:/opt/dump

Note that in Windows hosts you would need to quote a path including colons (e.g. c:/data:/opt/dump), which causes syntactic issues. You can use this alternative syntax:

      - type: bind
        source: 'c:/data'
        target: '/opt/dump'

See also this SO post.

Cache Tokens Command

🎯 Cache the tokens got from tokenizing the texts from the specified source. This is a legacy command used to apply processing like POS tagging outside the Pythia environment.

./pythia cache-tokens <SOURCE> <OUTPUT_DIR> <PROFILE_PATH> <PROFILE_ID> [-d <DB_NAME>] [-t <PLUGIN_TAG>]
  • SOURCE: the documents source.
  • OUTPUT_DIR: the output.
  • PROFILE_PATH: the path to the file for the 1st tokenization profile.
  • PROFILE_ID: the ID of the profile to use for the 2nd tokenization. This will be set as the profile ID of the documents added to the index.
  • -d DB_NAME: the database name (default=pythia).
  • -t PLUGIN_TAG: the tag of the Pythia factory provider plugin to use.

Create Database Command

🎯 Create or clear a Pythia database.

./pythia create-db [-d <DB_NAME>] [-c]
  • -d DB_NAME: the database name (default=pythia).
  • -c: clear the database if exists.

Dump Map Command

🎯 Generate and dump the document’s text map for the specified document.

./pythia dump-map <SOURCE> <PROFILE_ID> <OUTPUT_PATH> [-d <DB_NAME>] [-t <PLUGIN_TAG>]
  • SOURCE: the documents source.
  • PROFILE_ID: the ID of the profile to use for the source documents.
  • OUTPUT_PATH: the output path for the dump.
  • -d DB_NAME: the database name (default=pythia).
  • -t PLUGIN_TAG: the tag of the Pythia factory provider plugin to use.


./pythia dump-map c:/users/dfusi/desktop/pythia/sample.xml sample c:/users/dfusi/desktop/dump.txt

The generated dump is a plain text file like this:

Length (chars): 1558
- [324-1539] /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]
.poem - 84 - ad Arrium [332-1530] /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]

#-: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]
From: <body>\r\n<div type="poem" n="84">\r\n<head>ad Arrium</head>\r\n<lg type="eleg" n="1">\r\n<l n="1" type="h"> ...
To: ... Ionios</geogName> esse\r\nsed <quote><geogName>Hionios</geogName></quote>.</l>\r\n</lg>\r\n</div>\r\n</body>

#poem - 84 - ad Arrium: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]
From: <div type="poem" n="84">\r\n<head>ad Arrium</head>\r\n<lg type="eleg" n="1">\r\n<l n="1" type="h"><quote>c ...
To: ... geogName>Ionios</geogName> esse\r\nsed <quote><geogName>Hionios</geogName></quote>.</l>\r\n</lg>\r\n</div>

Index Command

🎯 Index the specified source into the Pythia database.

When dump mode is enabled, the filtered text is dumped to the specified directory for each document indexed. This can be useful for diagnostic purposes, so that you can inspect the text being input to the indexing process proper.

./pythia index <PROFILE_ID> <SOURCE> [-d <DB_NAME>] [-c <TS>] [-o] [-p] [-t <PLUGIN_TAG>] [-u <DUMP_MODE>] [-r <DUMP_DIR>]
  • PROFILE_ID: the ID of the profile to use for the source documents.
  • SOURCE: the source.
  • -d DB_NAME: the database name (default=pythia).
  • -c TS: content to index: freely combine T=token, S=structure. Default=TS.
  • -o: true to store the document’s content in the index.
  • -p: preflight run (diagnostic run, do not write to database).
  • -t PLUGIN_TAG: the tag of the Pythia factory provider plugin to use.
  • -u DUMP_MODE: the optional dump mode to use: 0=none (default), 1=dump filtered text, 2=dump filtered text and don’t index.
  • -r DUMP_DIR: the directory to dump files to when dumping is enabled with -u.

Query Command

🎯 Interactively execute queries against the Pythia database. This command has no arguments, as it starts an interactive text-based session with the user, where each typed query produces the corresponding SQL query code which is then executed.

./pythia query [-d <DB_NAME>]
  • -d DB_NAME: the database name (default=pythia).