Migration to Angular 15

📆 Date: 2022-11-30.

For Angular version 15, which implies dropping a number of obsolete libraries, a number of breaking changes occurred:

  • Akita has been replaced by ELF. This implies changing the store model behind each editor and list. This change was required by Akita obsolescence. Further, ELF has the advantage of being more modern and framework-independent.
  • the dirty change mechanism has been refactored and now uses this solution.
  • Angular Material has been upgraded to 15, which implies a number of style adjustments.
  • @angular/flex-layout, which has been obsoleted, has been removed and replaced by pure CSS with some media queries where required.

The following table lists the media query breakpoints defined for responsive layouts according to the Angular Material specs implemented by Angular Flex Layout. You can use them as a reference for building your CSS styles when replacing this library.

name media query
xs ‘screen and (max-width: 599px)’
sm ‘screen and (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 959px)’
md ‘screen and (min-width: 960px) and (max-width: 1279px)’
lg ‘screen and (min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1919px)’
xl ‘screen and (min-width: 1920px) and (max-width: 5000px)’
lt-sm ‘screen and (max-width: 599px)’
lt-md ‘screen and (max-width: 959px)’
lt-lg ‘screen and (max-width: 1279px)’
lt-xl ‘screen and (max-width: 1919px)’
gt-xs ‘screen and (min-width: 600px)’
gt-sm ‘screen and (min-width: 960px)’
gt-md ‘screen and (min-width: 1280px)’
gt-lg ‘screen and (min-width: 1920px)’


(1) update Angular packages: run ng update and then update the listed packages, which typically are:

ng update @angular/core @angular/cli @angular/cdk @angular/material --force

(2) for Angular 15 you also need to migrate Material (choose all directories and all components):

ng generate @angular/material:mdc-migration

(3) install ELF packages:

npm i @ngneat/effects-ng @ngneat/elf @ngneat/elf-cli-ng @ngneat/elf-devtools @ngneat/elf-entities @ngneat/elf-pagination @ngneat/elf-requests --force

(4) install other Cadmus packages:

npm i @myrmidon/ngx-dirty-check --force

(5) update all the Cadmus-related packages to their latest versions in package.json, and then run npm i --force.

(6) ensure that placeholder attributes in material controls are replaced with mat-label inside mat-form-field, e.g. this code:

<mat-form-field *ngIf="witEntries?.length">
  <mat-select formControlName="id" placeholder="ID">
    <mat-option *ngFor="let e of witEntries" [value]="e.id"></mat-option>
      $any(item)['controls'].id.errors?.required &&
      ($any(item)['controls'].id.dirty ||
    >ID required</mat-error

becomes (removing placholder and adding mat-label):

<mat-form-field *ngIf="witEntries?.length">
  <mat-select formControlName="id">
    <mat-option *ngFor="let e of witEntries" [value]="e.id"></mat-option>
      $any(item)['controls'].id.errors?.required &&
      ($any(item)['controls'].id.dirty ||
    >ID required</mat-error

(7) update parts and fragments as specified below.

(8) in app.module.ts, remove Akita packages and modules imports and add the following imports:

// ELF
import { devTools } from '@ngneat/elf-devtools';
import { Actions } from '@ngneat/effects-ng';

// myrmidon
import { NgxDirtyCheckModule } from '@myrmidon/ngx-dirty-check';

Add the corresponding modules to your app imports array:


Add the following entry to the providers array to enable ELF dev tools:

    // ELF dev tools
      provide: APP_INITIALIZER,
      multi: true,
      useFactory: initElfDevTools,
      deps: [Actions],

(9) Just before the @NgModule attribute introducing the app module, add this function to enable ELF dev tools:

// https://ngneat.github.io/elf/docs/dev-tools/
export function initElfDevTools(actions: Actions) {
  return () => {
      name: 'Cadmus TGR',
      actionsDispatcher: actions,

(10) in app.component.ts replace AppQuery and AppService with AppRepository:

import { AppRepository } from '@myrmidon/cadmus-state';

(11) remove Akita packages:

npm uninstall @datorama/akita-ngdevtools @datorama/akita --force

Note: due to changes in Angular Material styles, which often result in slightly bigger controls, if your UI defined custom sizes for some controls you might need to adjust them to fit.

Part/Fragment Editors

(1) pass formBuilder to the super ctor.

(2) implement ngOnInit at least as (initEditor no longer exists):

public override ngOnInit(): void {

(3) implement buildForm moving there the creation of the root form (previously in ctor):

protected buildForm(formBuilder: FormBuilder): FormGroup | UntypedFormGroup {
  return formBuilder.group({
    // ...

(4) change onThesauriSet into a private updateThesauri and call it from onDataSet, e.g.:

private updateThesauri(thesauri: ThesauriSet): void {
    let key = 'bibliography-languages';
    if (this.hasThesaurus(key)) {
      this.langEntries = thesauri[key].entries;
    } else {
      this.langEntries = undefined;

    key = 'bibliography-types';
    if (this.hasThesaurus(key)) {
      this.typeEntries = thesauri[key].entries;
    } else {
      this.typeEntries = undefined;

(5) ensure that updateForm is ok (ensure that it receives a part/fragment which can also be undefined or null) and call it from OnDataSet.

(6) rename onModelSet to onDataSet and adjust it as required, like:

protected override onDataSet(data?: EditedObject<ChronotopesPart>): void {
  // thesauri
  if (data?.thesauri) {

  // form

(7) rename getModelFromForm to getValue and adjust, e.g.:

// for parts
protected getValue(): ChronotopesPart {
  let part = this.getEditedPart(CHRONOTOPES_PART_TYPEID) as ChronotopesPart;
  part.chronotopes = this.chronotopes.value;
  return part;

// for fragments
protected getValue(): OrthographyFragment {
  const fr = this.getEditedFragment() as OrthographyFragment;
  fr.standard = this.standard.value.trim();
  fr.operations = this.getOperations();
  return fr;

(8) for fragments, in the template replace the location and base text references from model?.location and model?.baseText to data?.value?.location and data?.baseText.

Note: CadmusValidators has been removed from core, as its functionalities are found in NgToolsValidators (from @myrmidon/ng-tools). So, if your code was using these validators, just replace the validators class.

Part Wrappers

(1) remove all the state-related files.

(2) replace the constructor:

import { EditPartFeatureBase, PartEditorService } from '@myrmidon/cadmus-state';
import { ItemService, ThesaurusService } from '@myrmidon/cadmus-api';

    router: Router,
    route: ActivatedRoute,
    snackbar: MatSnackBar,
    itemService: ItemService,
    thesaurusService: ThesaurusService,
    editorService: PartEditorService
  ) {

(3) replace ngOnInit with getReqThesauriIds override when thesauri are required, else just remove it:

protected override getReqThesauriIds(): string[] {
  return [

(4) change the template like this:


Fragment Wrappers

(1) remove all the state-related files.

(2) replace the constructor:

import {
} from '@myrmidon/cadmus-state';

    router: Router,
    route: ActivatedRoute,
    snackbar: MatSnackBar,
    editorService: FragmentEditorService,
    libraryRouteService: LibraryRouteService
  ) {
    super(router, route, snackbar, editorService, libraryRouteService);

(3) replace ngOnInit with getReqThesauriIds override when thesauri are required, else just remove it.

protected override getReqThesauriIds(): string[] {
  return [
    // ...

(4) change the template like this:

<div class="base-text">
    [baseText]="data?.baseText || ''"
    [locations]="frLoc ? [frLoc] : []"

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