Backend Graph Upgrade

📆 Date: 2024-11-18


The upgrade to .NET 9 implies some relevant changes:

  • drop Swagger (whose development was left behind) for Scalar, integrating the new OpenAPI capabilities from .NET 9.
  • drop MongoDB-based authentication for RDBMS-based authentication via PostgreSQL. This does not affect the system, except for the requirement to migrate user accounts from MongoDB to PostgreSQL, which is best accomplished by just recreating them in the new environment.
  • refactor the API code to reflect the more modern code style already in use from past versions of .NET, removing the Startup class. This also allows moving most of the API app code to a new library, Cadmus.Api.Config, thus making the API code much more streamlined.

Affected Products

⚠️ All the API libraries and apps.

Upgrade Path

Provided that you have upgraded to .NET 9 your models (if any):

  1. upgrade to .NET 9 (including the Dockerfile references to .NET images).
  2. update all packages.
  3. add packages:

     <PackageReference Include="Cadmus.Api.Config" Version="10.1.2" />
     <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi" Version="9.0.0" />
     <PackageReference Include="Scalar.AspNetCore" Version="1.2.43" />

    Update versions of these packages if newer are available.

  4. remove packages AspNetCore.Identity.Mongo and Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.
  5. add the Auth connection string to appconfig.json under section ConnectionStrings: "Auth": "Server=localhost;Database={0};User Id=postgres;Password=postgres;Include Error Detail=True",.
  6. in appconfig.json, add rate limiter configuration so that it is disabled by default:

     "RateLimit": {
       "IsDisabled": true,
       "PermitLimit": 100,
       "QueueLimit": 0,
       "TimeWindow": "00:01:00"
  7. in appconfig.json, change Seed:IndexDelay entry to Seed:Delay. Also change the environment variable name in Docker compose accordingly to SEED__DELAY.
  8. replace Program.cs with the code from the new API v10+ solution. The only change required refers to the name of the repository and part seeder factory providers for your project, in Program.ConfigureAppServices: __PRJ__RepositoryProvider and __PRJ__PartSeederFactoryProvider (see Startup.ConfigureServices).
  9. remove Startup.cs.
  10. in the API project Debug properties, change the startup route from swagger to scalar/v1.
  11. update the .NET image versions to 9 in your Dockerfile, ensuring that 8080 is the exposed port.
  12. in your Docker compose:
    • add the environment variable to override the connection to the AUTH database:
    • ensure that ASP.NET core port is set to 8080 and that the environment variable ASPNETCORE_URLS is properly set.
    • ensure that SEED__DELAY (renamed from SEED__INDEXDELAY) is set if you are going to seed mock items, so that there is a pause before the API starts using the database service when this is still starting.


    image: vedph2020/cadmus-vela-api:4.0.1
    container_name: cadmus-vela-api
      - 5080:8080
      - cadmus-vela-mongo
      - cadmus-vela-pgsql
      # for Windows use : as separator, for non Windows use __
      # (see
      - ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://+:8080
      - CONNECTIONSTRINGS__DEFAULT=mongodb://cadmus-vela-mongo:27017/{0}
      - CONNECTIONSTRINGS__AUTH=Server=cadmus-vela-pgsql;port=5432;Database={0};User Id=postgres;Password=postgres;Include Error Detail=True
      - CONNECTIONSTRINGS__INDEX=Server=cadmus-vela-pgsql;port=5432;Database={0};User Id=postgres;Password=postgres;Include Error Detail=True
      - SERILOG__CONNECTIONSTRING=mongodb://cadmus-vela-mongo:27017/{0}-log
      - STOCKUSERS__0__PASSWORD=P4ss-W0rd!
      - SEED__DELAY=20
      - cadmus-vela-network

If using bibliography API, remember to upgrade it to version 7+, because this shares the new PostgreSQL-based auth database.